Monday, August 24, 2009

Hey guys,

It's been a while since I blogged. I got back from San Diego last week. That was my last big vacation before fall semester starts. I start class again tomorrow. I'm somewhat excited, somewhat not. I hate having to purchase bundles of textbooks that costs so much. And in the end, I cant sell them because they usually come up with new editions for the next semester. Well, that's the way they make money right? This semester is going to be a tough one. It's been a while since I took 6 classes. All my friends think I'm crazy for taking so much classes, considering that they are pretty hard core, but I believe I can do it. I mean, I took 7 classes before! I know quality is better than quantity, but I know with God, all things are possible.

I am excited that summer is coming to an end, and winter is coming! Bring on the boots and scarfs! :) Lately, I've been playing the piano again. Well, I've been trying to get back to playing the piano. It's been a while since I play the piano or even touch it. I used to take piano lessons back then, but its just been so long since I played the piano. I'm still working on it, and brushing my skills. So, maybe I'll play a song for you guys :)

Alright, well I dont know what else to say. I'll try to blog more often, but since fall semester is starting, I cant promise anything. But whoever reads my blog should know me. I either blog my feelings out or blog randomly. :)

Have a blessed day everyone! Jesus Bless you!

Jess <3

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