Tuesday, August 19, 2008

One afternoon...

For some reason, I dont know if it's just me, but lately, I've been getting this winter vibe and its not even winter yet! To be honest, I love spring and summer, it always feels great to not wear bundles and bundles of clothing. Truth is, I love winter the most. I love the feeling of the cold San Francisco breeze, and especially that romantic vibe. It always feels great to have a cup of hot chocolate late at night bundled around with my blanket. heheh..as you can see, I'm a winter girl for sure :)

So the Beijing Summer 2008 Olympic is coming to an end, and honestly, I dont want it to end!Excuse me for me for this Olympic talk, but ever since the Olympics started, I've been watching non stop from Day 1. Michael Phelps is such a great swimmer, I dont even know how else to describe that guy! Did you see him in the water cube?! Man, his like faster than a lamborghini or something! He is truly a role model and a true example of the term "success." Congrats Michael!!! (I would love to meet you someday :) Ok, enough of Phelps, I can go on and on talking about him!

School starts in less than 1 week, and I'm super excited. NOT! Summer seems to fly by really quick, hmm...maybe it was because I had summer class. Anyway, I'm craving for more summer days, and I'm totally not ready to go back to school! FACE IT Jessica! I have less than one week to get my act togeather! To be honest, this summer has been a stressing, or may I say, complicating summer ever! First, I started off my summer with a dreadful morning class filled with CALCULUS for 3 hours for 2 months! I thought the stress was it for me, but I guess I was wrong.

August was the month where I had to register for classes, and let me tell you, it was SO hard to get any classes. As of today, I only have 3 classes registered, I should be thankful to even have 3 classes! I really dont think it is fair at all to place students in this situation to be placig them in last priority registration. Seriously, tuition is not cheap, education is indeed expensive. I think it should be fair for us to get first priority registration and allow us to get the classes we want. Can you believe it? My University alone has laid off over 100 professor which means over 300+ courses are being cut down. Although I'm not so sure of the statistics, one thing I'm pretty sure is that it has been affecting the students all over CSU's. Geez, I dont understand what's up with these people!? The question is, Where is all the money going to? Hmmm...I think we all know.

That's it for now, ciao..


Saturday, August 16, 2008

Shiseido White Lucent..must have :)

Have you ever wish to have a clear, healthly and beautiful skin? Shiseido White Lucent is the ultimate answer! :) Recently, I have been using Shiseido's White Lucent skincare product, and so far, I extremely love it. When I was back in high school, I had the craziest experience ever and that's because I was constantly breaking out. I had "pimples" all over my face, especially around my forehead and near my nose. I was really embarrassed to even go to school and my confidence level decreased dramatically!

It was to point where my mother had to take me to the dermatologist every week because I was crying and felt "ugly" (this is such an embarrassing story to share). Week after week, I went to see my dermatologist and she gave me some face cream that was suppose to lessen my break outs, but nope, that did not work. I tried SO many products, it's crazy to even look back of how many products I've consumed and used in my face!!! It's crazy. From drugstore skincare such as Neutrogina, Clean n Clear to expensive products such as Clinique and Proactive, NONE of those products worked on my skin. I was devasted. My skin was so sensitive and by using those products just made my skin even worser. Proactive, in particular, was by far the worst product I used because it gave me never ending redness and to be honest, the product itself was too strong. I used Proactive for about 1 month or so, and what I notice is that when I skip a couple days without Proactive, redness starts to occur and more pimples start to grow. That was when I realized that I did not want to rely on one certain product. Dont get me wrong, everyone has different types of skin. To most people, Proactive has worked on their skin perfectly. My skin in this case is very sensitive and I guess that's why proactive was not a good match for my skin.

Finally, after a few years of devastation, my mom introduced me to Shiseido. I know right, FINALLY! Why not before? That's what I thought as well. I honestly think that skin is the number #1 part in your body that is very essential, and needed to be taken care of carefully, especially for women. Going back to my story, I went to see a Shiseido expert, a.k.a Shiseido dermatologist, and she explained to me how Shiseido worked. To be honest, in that point, I really didnt care, I could care less! I used TOO many products imaginable, and what made me think that this product would actually really work? My mom encouraged me to give it a try, and the expert told me that I may not see the result asap, that it would take several months for my skin to adapt to this product. So fortunately, I gave it a try, and WALLAH, after a few months of using Shiseido, my skin was clean and clear. Absolutely flawless. I literally cried, tears of happiness, of course. Now, I live a life with a beautiful skin not having to worry of putting pounds of foundation and cover-ups. :)

Shiseido White Lucent comes in 3 parts or steps may I say.

1.White Lucent Brightening Cleansing Foam
2.White Lucent Brightening Refining Softner Light
3. White Lucent Brightening Moisturzing Cream

These three skin care product does not come in one set, so unfortunately, you do have to buy it seperately. I dont know why they arrange in that kind of fashion. I find it pretty odd. Although Shisedo White Lucent is pretty pricey (for prices, go to http://www.shiseido.com/), trust me, it will leave you with a flawless skin. Oh, if you didnt know, Shiseido is a Japanese brand, that is why when you see japanese women, they are SOO beautiful and that's because their skin stands out. It's worth my money, I'm addicted to it :)
For those of you who might be wondering about this product and want to try but unsure, I hope this review blog helps. Or maybe to those of you who are experiencing many break-outs, I hope that I gave you some confidence that there is a product that awaits you :) If you guys have questions or what not, feel free to write your question in the comment box. Thanks for reading.
blessed day,

Friday, August 15, 2008

Hi ya`ll, for those who don't know, I've decided to delete my previous blogs. I have been going through a big transition from the old me to the new me. After re-reading my previous blogs, it has made me realize how big of a transformation I've fulfilled, inner-wise, may I say. I wanted to delete my previous blogs simply because I dont want to look back in the past. It haunts me, and by doing that, I'm starting a new chapter in my life; new transformation, new attitude, and new perspective on life. I was tired living the life I lived not quite long ago. I came to a realization that life is simply more than just the usual. I didnt choose to close this door on purpose and simply forget about it, I did this so I can live a healthier life. What I'm saying right now may be a blur to those of you who might be reading this, and that's okay :)

Considering to this "new me" that I'm craving to become, I realized that there are SO many goals that I want to reach. It's clearly amazing how much I've changed from the old me to the new me. To be honest, I fear change. Lets put it this way, I hate change. I hate the fact that things have to change. My grandpa used to tell me, "dont change the way you are right now..." I'm afraid that as I grow older, my parents will percieve me differently than I am right now. Face the truth Jessica, changes will occur for good and for the bad.

To end this blog (hopefully I'm not confusing you), I want to send a message to all of you. This may or may not relate to what I've written above, depends on how you capture it. Live life to the fullest. When one door closes, don't let it affect your life and what you want to do or be in the future. Live life with a positive thinking, and throw away all those devil speaking beasts. LASTLY, keep moving foward and just do it. Do not look back, move foward. Push yourself to the finish line, the gold medal. Just do it, if you have something you want to accomplish in life, DO it. The saying "life's too short" is simply true. What are you gonna lose? I hope this all make sense. :)

Caio bella,