Friday, June 26, 2009

lonely friday night

It's Friday night, and where am I? at home!!! :( I usually work on Friday nights, but we planned to go San Diego this tonight, that is why I didn't work. And guess what happens? People bail out on me! Guys oh guys...they don't want to drive, so we didnt end up going, and decided to fly next week. I was looking forward to it too! I could have work and enjoyed my friday night at work...(yes I enjoy working) heheh....Despite of the crazyness and hecticness, I enjoy working fridays. I'm stuck at home right now. :( I guess I shouldnt complain...

Anyway, yesterday at work, I experienced something very unatural, out of the ordinary and may I say wierd? Theres this old chinese guy that has been coming to my workplace every week since last year, and he never comes with this family or friends, only himself. He is beyond wierd. He smiles and laughs out of nowhere, he stares at me and ahhhh, it gives me the chills! To make the story short, while he was waiting for his table, he handed me his number inside this tiny envelope. Inside that tiny envelope was a USB memory stick. He told me, "You can throw away that memory stick, but keep my number." First of all, why would he give me his number inside an envelope along with a memory stick if he told me to throw it away? why couldnt he just give me the number without the envelope inside with the memory stick? And what's more creepier is behind his number, was a name card from a PHD from NY University from the health/Psychology department. His probably a patient there? To think of it, it makes sense. He has some brain problems....I know this is so mean of me to say this, but only if you knew him, you would understand how totally creepy he is. A customer even told me how creepy he was. I clocked out earlier yesterday, told my manager the story, and when i was i the back, he asked where i was to my coworker. my goooodnesss.....Thank God I have a manager who truly cares about my safety! I need to stop being nice to customers. Some takes it the wrong way. This sucks...

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