Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Decisions or decisions...

I never thought buying a car would be so difficult. The process itself is already confusing. My boyfriend is in the car industry and though he knows alot about cars, it can be too much! My parents wants me to get this, and he wants me to get that, and I'm stuck in the middle deciding which one is the perfect car for me. Safety is number one, price is number 2. At least that's the way I see it. Ahhh, I'm so confused. This is gonna take a long time....haiyaaaa.

I've been sitting in front of my laptop since yesterday night and today morning searching for the perfect car, but we all know my decision does not count because my parents would not agree anyways! I seriously need to get up and stop sitting in front of my laptop or else I`ll go crazy!

ahhh, help me!!!

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