Thursday, April 16, 2009

transfer or not?

Hey everybodyyy,

Right now, it's 1 am and yes, I should be in bed like I always say, but it wont hurt to blog a bit right? heheh... ^^ I just got off work a couple hours ago. It was pretty busy today, which amazes me because usually wednesdays are'nt busy at all. I replaced my coworker since she couldnt work. It wasnt that bad though. I dealt with really great customers. No annoying, impolite, disrespectful customers.

One of the things though that I most hate working is the fact that sometimes, some random guy would ask for my number and it's so irritating because sometimes after I recieve their bill, they would write their name and phone number in the back of the reciept. Common sense. Do you think I'll call you? I dont know. Maybe I'm just not the type that would give them a call? I'm sorry, we can be friends but not outside of the resto! This has not happened to me once, it has happened many times before. From young a guy to an old gentlemen. No kidding. I'm not making this story up, you can ask my manager! I felt so disgusted and didnt know what to do because they were asking me questions and I wouldnt know how to answer them. I guess im the type of person that is really hard to say NO. ughh, jesss, your so weakkk! Cant help itttt. Good thing I changed my number. I feel much safer now. No, dont get me wrong. I didnt give them my number, but I did experienced many prank callers and I just couldnt deal with it anymore! So that is why I changed my number. So whenever I get one of those customers that tries to "hit" on me, I would ask my coworker to take their order. I would try every possible way to stay far away from them. ^^

Ive been thinking alot lately about my education and the whole transfering University process. I do so much want to transfer out. I really cant take what the economy has done to my University alone. Budget cuts, no classes...everything has made my life miserable! I was supposed to graduate next year 2010, but guess what? I wont be able to :( I'm really sad about it, but I guess I realized, whats the rush? Its better to take your time and aim for the best grade than rushing and getting a mediocre score. I know God has a plan for me and I know by the time I graduate, He'll have something planned out perfectly for me. I'm just so sick and tired of worrying about my future. Everything that has been going on is making me go crazy! I just want to be able to relax and not have to worry about what will happen afterwards, but parents are always pushing me and pressuring me. I know it's their job, but give me a break!!? I only have one brain, one mind, and 2 hands to function! Sometimes parents just does'nt get it. Who agrees with me? hehe ^^ As much as I want to transfer out to Ohio state, or LA or wherever, I dont think right now is the best time for me to transfer out. Considering the living cost, tuition cost, personal consumption, that will cost me a whole lot. I mean, I should just be thankful and embrace the place I am in right now. I settled in this University, why not just stay here until the end? Although I want to experience the whole "independency", I dont think I can imagine living else where. I love San Francisco too much to leave this city. I talked to a friend that used to live in SF, but now resides in the Midwest. He recently transfered to OSU, and told me how empty the city was! He rather lives in SF. ya iyaa laaaah, sapa seh mao tngl di desa!? huahah. He told me he likes OSU, but prefers SF. yes yes...of cozzz. So will I be transfering or not? Ummm, maybe for now, I'll stay in SF. It's not so easy to move to a whole new state, a whole new community without knowing anyone there. I would love to visit, but to live there? I dont know how I can survive. hehe. Maybe I'll visit one of these days, tour around the campus perhaps. Do you think they have a program where they can just tour future students that is interested and may be willing to transfer? Hmm, gotta check that out :)

Olrighttty, I need to head to bed now. It's almost 2am and I need to wake up early tomorrow to go pay my court! yikees, its past the due date, and I totally forgot! I really wish I had an assistant :/ Impossible jessica impossibleeee.

goodnitee bloggers. God bless.

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