Monday, March 23, 2009

3 Advice to Save Money

So I was reading some news on the economy earlier, and for once in my life, I'm beginning to worry how America is going to end up. I think this is affecting everybody, and I hope they do fix it soon.The worse case scenerio is America can repeat it's history: The Depression! I'm just thankful that neither of my parents got layed off(sp?) from their jobs, and I'm so thankful that I'm not layed off either, though I only work two days. Still, though, I'm still thankful that God is still providing me. So I thought to myself, in a time like this, with the economy so crazy like this, what should we do? hmm....Ding ding ding, SAVE MONEY! And what I meant to save money is to reduce your spendings, especially for personal things. This is probably the hardest thing to do, right? For most people, saving money is not the easiest thing to do. I mean, who doesnt love to spend moolah? So here are 3 steps or advice if you will, that I thought how to save money. Obviously, these are just my advice. Maybe you have a different way of doing it? If so, share with me :)

1.) Try not eat out too much- Believe it or not, eating out is such a waste of money! Of course its always good for a change. Who doesnt love to eat out especially in your fav resto? duuh, I like to eat out as well. wine and dine...hehe. Once in a while it's okay. But if you eat out everyday, or 4-5 times a week, imagine how much you couldve saved in that week!! Did you know that eating out is also unhealthy? All those oil, and greasyness (depends what you eat though). Try cooking at home, and have some home cooked meal. If youre one of those "organic" type of people, instead of going to Whole Foods, try Trader Joes. Trader Joes is by far cheaper than Whole foods, though they dont have everything Whole food has to offer. But Trader Joes has good quality too. Try calculating how much you can spend in one week if you didnt eat out. I think youll be saving a lot. :)

2.) Decrease the personal consumputions- Does that make sense? Correct me if I said it wrong. What I mean by personal consumptions is personal spendings such as shopping! Again, who doesnt love shopping? I love shopping. If shopping was a sport, I'll probably be best at it. Tempatations is always going to be there. Try to decrease your personal consumptions by not shopping every week or two. If you really need it, then buy it. But if you come across something you truly truly love, think twice. Ask yourself, do you really need this? Now be careful, want and need is a whole different meaning. Do you really want it? YES. do you have to have it? YES. But, do you really need it? If you can live without it, then dont buy it! I'm pretty sure you can live without whatever it is you want! Correct me if I'm wrong! When I step to my fav shopping destinations, I cant help but to try it on and purchase it. When something i see is unique and something that i absolutely adore, I have that sense of feeling that I just GOTTA have it or else it'll be gone the next time i go there. Yes, that may be true, but you know what my mom once told me? Fashion is always going to keep coming at you. I think what she means is that there will always be new styles and new cloths going in to the market. We will always want something that we dont have, but its on us to limit ourselves! I'm pretty sure 90% of the personal consumptions we want, we dont need!

3.) Piggy Bank- Try putting $50 every week of every two weeks in your piggy bank. If possible, purchase a piggy bank that is hard to open. Have you seen one of those hard glass piggy banks that is impossible to open unless you crack it open? Yea, thats what I meant. Purchase that one! That way, youre not tempted to open your piggy bank. Imagine putting $50 every week for 6 months, by the end of that 6 months period, you can save at least $1200. Correct me if I'm wrong again. My math skills isnt so great. ^^ This is a good habit, trust me. I'm in the process of trying this thing out. hehhe.

There are many many ways to save up and reduce your spendings. These 3 advice are just some that I'm working on right now. If you have some, do share with me.

Gnite bloggers.

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