Wednesday, October 29, 2008

hi everybody...I know I havent been blogging in a while. I've been busy with school. I have 2 midterms coming up next week and I'm so frustrated because now that thanksgiving retreat is just right around the corner, we have practices every week now and i have to manage my time very wisely. So far, I'm almost done with all my quizzes and deadlines that i have to submit through sfsu database, and THANK GOD I'm almost done with that. It seems as if once im done with one set, I'm packed with another set of quizzes. Every weeekkk man! Sorry for procastinating. Anyway....tomorrow is the big day!!! and I am super excited but in the same time super nervous. I want to pass so badly, but if I fail, then its a learning experience for me, and I know that there will be many chances to come for me to pass. :) I have no fear. One way or another, I will pass :]

I'm in the comp lab waiting for my 7 oclock class and did i tell you? San Francisco's weather is going crazy! It was so humid these couple of weeks, and starting from this week, it has been cold and today was so foggy. I can barely see anything ahead of me while driving. But I gotta admit, I dont mind this weather. I'm tired of the hot weather, its time to have something new. Plus, its almost christmas and im super excited!!!

Alright guys, gotta start walking to class now. I'll update you more with my boring personal life!!!

alta la vissssssssssssssta!

bless`d day,

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