Tuesday, October 27, 2009

When are exams ever gonna end? I feel like I've been stacked with exams every week now since last month. I've been going through the same routine for the past 2 months and its burning me out. Classes in the morning till the afternoon, go home, study, eat, shower, study till late, sleep, wake up, and the day starts all over again with the same routine. I know I shouldn't be complaining, but this is burning me out to the max. Ok, I have to stop complaining!

I just finished with my DS exam today, and what do you knowwww? I got another exam next week, in which i have to prepare starting today, BUT, I'm not even studying right now. Why? because I feel like I need a break. bleh. "Successful people dont take breaks, they keep on going." OH WELL.

The weather in SF has been so inconsistent lately. Once day its super hot, the next it's raining, and the next its super hot again. Today was so windy. I hate those days when there is sunshine, but its sooo cold. It almost feels like youre in Alaska. Icy cold!

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