Wednesday, July 29, 2009

So many emotions are running through my veins right now. I was chatting with my friend a couple days ago, and he tells me to stop being depress, and he also said that I've been sad lately. Ok, I'm not always depressed or sad. He told me that all my status from facebook seems so depressing. The truth is I'm not! I am perfectly fine, and I am not always sad. I love life. I'm enjoying it, and I'm not always moody okay! I'm a cheerful person. When I tweet or type a certain something in my facebook that is sad doesnt mean I'm always depressed or emotional. Maybe I should stop tweeting and putting things on my fb, because people are starting to think I'm an emotional person. :/ I'm happy most of the time guys, I'm not an "emo" person. No body is perfect. Everyone has their own personal stories or problems. Most of the time when I'm feeling down, I either blog or tweet about it. That's just who I am. I put my emotions through words instead of telling it to people (only my close friends). I hope people would stop thinking I'm an emotional person, because I'm not. :) I just tend to reveal everything into words. Okay, enough of this shinanigans.

This week, our church is moving to a new building. Finally, after 20 something years, we finally have our own place. :) You know, I've never really made a big deal about it, but to think about it, its such a blessing to actually have our own building. Without God's mercy, none of this will happen. He is such a great God. I'm no super crazy religious person. Dont get me wrong. I'm not perfect. I still sin. That sounds horrible, but I still do. Being a Christian doesnt gauranteed you that you will go to heaven. The most important thing is your heart. God has done so many wonderful and miraculous things in my life. He has poured out so much blessings for me and my family. God is Good...

Alright, I'm gonna stay away from the computer now. Till then ^^


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