Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Exams are overrrrrrr!

I'm SO happy that midterms are out of the way! :) I stayed on campus for almost 11 hours. Yes, it was so devastating. Especially knowing its nice outside, and I gotta stay inside the clustered stuffy library for hours, really does suck. But for some reason, it didnt really felt that long. I didnt even notice I stayed that long. I didnt even feel it, which is a good thing. Also, I didnt even bother looking at the time, until 6 pm, then it totally hit me. CRUNCH time! I studied with a friend of mines from the same class, so it was fun. He kept me entertained. ^^ But anywayyy, I'm glad its over. Overall, I think I did okay. While we were doing our exams, the professor caught 8 mistakes he made on the exam. A bunch of people were complaining...bla bla bla....I didnt want to say a word. I didnt care at that point. I just wanted to get it done! In the end, he gave us 2 bonus points! good for us. :) OK enough of this school talk. I have enough of it...ahhhhhh stressed!

It's almost 11 pm now, and usually around this time, I would be tired, but I'm not tired? Although I've been in school for the whole day, I'm not too tired like I would usually be. My body isnt tired, but my mind is. I hope the weather tomorrow would be nice like today. I havent had the chance to enjoy the sunny weather. It really sucks. San Francisco is never sunny and warm. When it is sunny, its usually still windy and fogggy! So whenever its hot and nice outside, I take full advantage of it. :)

Do you notice that I've been blogging constantly for the past few days? Hhaha, I didnt even realize that until right now, right this second. I have nothing to talk about because I blog every single day that there is nothing new that I need to share with you! Olright guys, I think im done for today. :) Ill write a meaningful post when the time is right! nite bloggers.


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