Thursday, April 30, 2009


Its 12.35 am right now. I'm not sleepy yet, I think it's because I had a 3 hour nap earlier in the afternoon. :/ I spend most of my day today at home, relaxing and regaining my strength. I've been taking afternoon naps lately, and I actually like that feeling after you wake up..feels more refreshed and have more strength.

I might be going out of town to Santa Barabara this weekend. I'll be going with my bf and his bro's and his friends for this beamerfest (sp?) I dont know if I should go or not though. I have a mandatory meeting for church on saturday morning, and I feel like I should go, but then again, I promised them that I'll go to SB. Ah, decisions decisions! Why does everything have to fall under the same weekend?! I'll make my decision by tomorrow. :)

This Swine Flu/ H1N1 is really scarying me. No kidding. I've been watching n reading the news, watching videos from the internet, and its crazy how were now in level 5! I've been panicking. I wash my hands every few minutes and try to avoid people as much as possible. CALL ME CRAZY. Its okay. I think I'm going to buy a face mask and sanitizers tomorrow. haha...really. I feel like this is something that Americans have to be worried and aware about. This is a serious deal! This is the time that we need to seriously pray and ask God for His guidance and protection over us, our families and close friends, because knowing that its spreading quite fast, scares the heck out of me! To everybody, make sure you wash your hands a lot. When you cough, cough on your shoulders. Avoid shaking hands with random people, and if you do wash you hands. What else? I dont know..I've been reading too many articles, this is making me go nuts, And NO I'm not overeacting!!!! This is a BIG DEAL AMERICA! ahh I'm gonna crash now, and pray!

blessed nite,

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I set you free...

I wish you bluebirds in the spring
To give your heart a song to sing
And then a kiss, but more than this
I wish you love

And in July a lemonade
To cool you in some leafy glade
I wish you health
And more than wealth
I wish you love

I wish you shelter from the storm
A cozy fire to keep you warm
But most of all when snowflakes fall
I wish you love

My breaking heart and I agree
That you and I could never be
So with my best
My very best
I set you free

(I Set You Free by Rachael Yamagata)

Honestly, I dont think it's fair...I dont think it's healthy either. I think I know the answer, but I dont want to admit it. jess knp seh loe stubborn bgt... Needless to say, I dont think I can go on like this...I feel guilty. I wish I never had to feel this way. Everyday it seems a little bit harder. But, I dont think I was strong enough. I didnt push myself, I wasnt trying hard. I think its only best if I completly let go. I know I've said it before, but this time, this very time, I need to set it free. I need to surrender, and completely set it free. I cant keep looking back. I cant keep reminicing the past. It's not fair for him or for myself. I have my own life, we both live seperate worlds, so I think its best for me just to let go and leave it here. What I need to do right now is focus on the future and look forward instead of looking back. The past is the past, and dwelling on it isnt getting me a step further. I think these past couple of days, I was aware, but I continued and kept thinking about it when I should have just let go. I'm letting it go, and setting you free.

My Obessesions of the Day

I just had a low fat granola cereal with soy milk and chopped strawberries, and let me just say its amazing I usually dont eat dinner after 6pm, and if I do eat dinner after 6pm, I try not to eat rice or any kind of carbs because it'll take long to digest. I really love the sweetness of the granola and the sourness from the fresh strawberries. Like I said, I can eat cereal 3 times a day. I'm in love with it! I prefer the granola kinds rather than the common ones you will find in Safeway. I like my cereal not so sweet because you get that sweetness from the milk already. Btw, I use non-fat milk. I'm not a health freak just to let you know! But, I do watch what I eat from time to time. I dont really eat meat such as pork or lamb. I can still eat beef or chicken, but I dont eat much of it anyway. Okay, I'm getting off topic! So going back, if you havent tried granola cereal with soymilk topped with fresh fruits, you must try!

Another obession that I've been having is for Green Tea. I drink green tea at least once or twice a day, everyday. If you drink a few cups of green tea, it'll keep ologists away. It's also good for your health. It lowers down your cholesterol levels, and did I mention drinking green tea can make you lose weight? Green Tea also fights such disease like cancer, infections, prostate cancer, and high cholesterol levels. Although its very tasteless, or no taste at all, its really good for you. When I first had my first green tea, I didnt like it at all simply because it had no taste. When you go to any chinese or japanese restaurant, they usually give you a pot of tea and a cup, right? Well, I dont usually drink it, I just ask for water. BUT, now, I actually drink my tea. Its a good habit. :)

Monday, April 27, 2009


I'm fine with it.

It was love which seemed fine like this

Before I knew, you even refused to meet

When I'm alone I start thinking

At that time, should I had rather forgotten?

But these tears are the answer aren't they?

I can't lie to my heart

It's almost scary that I can remember

your smell, your action and everything

It's strange isn't it? Please say so and laugh

Even though we're separated. It's nothing but you

I never thought that love would be so painful

That love would be so sad

You are the person inside me I can't forget about

The person who offered me everything

Even if you can never return

Right now it's only you...Just you

Nothing but you

by a friend of mines

Friday, April 24, 2009

What Makes Me Happy

There are actually many things that makes me happy and makes my life everyday beautiful. From family to education, to even the smallest things such as getting a new haircut or new shoes or simply having a nice cup of coffee in the morning. Little things makes a difference and for me, and it truly makes me very happy. Lately, I've been seeing life through a whole different perspective. I've realized once more that life is too short and too precious. Sometimes I dont realize it. Everyday I become more grateful and gracious to have family who loves me, friends who I can rely on, an education that I can benefit later in the future, but most of all, I am mostly thankful for my health. Not a lot of people are fortunate to have a healthy life, and I am one the billions of people who have a healthy life. That, I am so thankful of. It breaks my heart to see people with certain disease, especially those that are incurable. Sometimes I question myself why God chose these things to happen to human beings? I wonder why there is such things of disease. After all, He is the creator of everything here on earth. Why did He create them? No one is perfect, but why have a innocent people die from diseases they shouldnt have? These questions, I wish I knew the answers. But then again, there are no answers to everything. I guess that's just the way life is; unpredictable. Therefore, I am cautious, more aware. I've also learned to take life seriously. I've also learned to take people more seriously, and to love and cherish each and every relationship and friendship I have. Have you ever heard of the saying, "once they leave you, that's when you miss them the most." Well, its true. You never know when your friend of family, or someone special leaves you. Sometimes God takes the most precious people away from you. Someone that you thought never would leave you, leaves you. Little things like this, things that I would never think of everyday has caused me to think life through a different level. Sometimes, as humans, we forget these things. We tend to focus more on materials, and what is in front of us, when the most important thing we should be thinking of is the little things. Am I confusing you? ahh, I think I am. I dont think that sentence even made sense!

I think I've said this on twitter, but if there is one thing in life that I've learned, that is-- to never regret and dwell on the past. This is something that I've been trying hard not to do. I think for me, as a person, I'm overwhelmingly too sensitive. I analyze every bit of everything. Its a bad thing, you know. Dont get me wrong. I'm not an EMO person. I live a happy life. I'm cheerful and perky most of time, but there would be nights when I lay there in bed not being able to sleep, that is when thoughts start popping up. I questioned myself why in the world should I be thinking of it? I tried many times to avoid it, to ignore it. I've dreamt of it a couple times, though the dream doesnt seem to tell me anything. Usually a dream would have a story line of some sort, but these dreams of mine that I've been having from time to time does not have story line. Instead, its just there. Its like the wind, you know? You cant see it, but you can feel it. I think I can relate my dream to the wind. I cant see it, I cant picture it, and I cant tell a story from it, but I can feel it. I honestly dont think there is any purpose at all for me to be thinking about it. If I look back in the past, and saw the things that has happen and how they happened as a whole, I feel a sense of stupidty for thinking about it. Beacause it was hurtful. But somehow, I dont care. I dont think about it. All I think about is the sweet memories. This is probably just something I have to fight for...I dont think it is any easier for me. I dont think I can ever last one day without having it on my mind. I guess this is something I have to deal with everyday...

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I miss you.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Exams are overrrrrrr!

I'm SO happy that midterms are out of the way! :) I stayed on campus for almost 11 hours. Yes, it was so devastating. Especially knowing its nice outside, and I gotta stay inside the clustered stuffy library for hours, really does suck. But for some reason, it didnt really felt that long. I didnt even notice I stayed that long. I didnt even feel it, which is a good thing. Also, I didnt even bother looking at the time, until 6 pm, then it totally hit me. CRUNCH time! I studied with a friend of mines from the same class, so it was fun. He kept me entertained. ^^ But anywayyy, I'm glad its over. Overall, I think I did okay. While we were doing our exams, the professor caught 8 mistakes he made on the exam. A bunch of people were complaining...bla bla bla....I didnt want to say a word. I didnt care at that point. I just wanted to get it done! In the end, he gave us 2 bonus points! good for us. :) OK enough of this school talk. I have enough of it...ahhhhhh stressed!

It's almost 11 pm now, and usually around this time, I would be tired, but I'm not tired? Although I've been in school for the whole day, I'm not too tired like I would usually be. My body isnt tired, but my mind is. I hope the weather tomorrow would be nice like today. I havent had the chance to enjoy the sunny weather. It really sucks. San Francisco is never sunny and warm. When it is sunny, its usually still windy and fogggy! So whenever its hot and nice outside, I take full advantage of it. :)

Do you notice that I've been blogging constantly for the past few days? Hhaha, I didnt even realize that until right now, right this second. I have nothing to talk about because I blog every single day that there is nothing new that I need to share with you! Olright guys, I think im done for today. :) Ill write a meaningful post when the time is right! nite bloggers.


Monday, April 20, 2009

Hey everybodyy,

How was everyone's weekend? Mines was okay. On saturday, I hung out in Mountain View. Stayed in his office for a while, and went to gelayo gusto to study. On sunday, it was my dad's birthday. I had lunch with the family. Yep, my weekend was okay. Nothing special. ^^

I just finished my exam today. A part of me feels relieved, but I still have one more Finance exam tomorrow to endure. Today is such a beautiiiiffuuulll day. I wish I could just lay down in the beach and spend time under the sun without worrying about anything. I shouldnt even be blogging..hahah, but I just got off class, and I need a break! I'll start again at 2.30? hehehe. Hope so. I know I'll be up all night tonight. I should have never drank that coffee this morning. I dont know why, my body doesnt work well with coffee. I have jitters and I get nervous after drinking coffee. BUT, I still drink it anyway...hehe

Its been days now that I wasnt able to sleep. I went to bed, but just layed there. My body and eyes are tired, but I just couldnt sleep. Have you ever had that feeling? Youre completely exhausted, but for some reason you cant sleep? I made a promise to myself. I tried my best...I did everything I possibly could, but I cant keep blaming myself. I cant hide my feelings. I cant simply ignore it. Why is this always happening to me? I just wish I knew the answer. I wish it was that simple. From hating the feeling of it, it gets to the point where I really dont mind. You know what I realized? All this time, I've been trying to ignore the thought, the feelings and emotions I had, but you know what? I really dont care anymore. I dont want to have to lie to myself. It is impossible to earase it, and I realized it is okay to think about it because thats just life. I just gotta deal with it. Its like I've been having this sense of guilt for myself. I hate it so much, but in the same time, I miss it. I just dont understand all of this. I dont understand myself! kenapa seh loe harus mikirin...why?

Ill get over this someday, one day.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

late night blog, once again :)

It's almost 2 am, and I wanted to blog a bit. This is going to be a very short blog. I'm so exhausted from work. I do need rest because I need to save my energy for the weekend to study for my exam. :( I wish exams didnt have to land on Mondays. I rather have it on Fridays or any other days of the week, just not Mondays. Maybe I'll go for a massage tomorrow or something. I really need a good body massage! My whole body aches, you dont even know! But overall, I enjoyed work today. I love working with my best coworkers...their like friends to me. I dont even consider them as coworkers. haahah :)

For once, I'm not as excited that its weekend. ughh....I hate the feeling of having exams, especially two days in a row! The feeling of not studying yet leaves me a sense of guilt. I'm pretty comfortable with the exam for Monday, but the one for my finance class is a killer. I just need to pass that class with a B and I'll be ok. youu cann doo ittt!!! Anyway, I've been really addicted to this Indonesian reality show called "Termehek Mehek". Ive been watching that on youtube for the past few weeks and i love it. It's basically a show about someone who lost contact with their friend, parents, or bf/gf and they want to find them, the team will try to find them. I dont know how to explain it. I'm really bad when it comes to explaining things...haha. But check it out, IF ur Indonesian ;) (text only in indo') Many people thinks its like a drama. Scripted, and staged. But i dont think so. The word "termehek mehek" means "crying"....and from my POV, I can definetely differentiate between real tears and fake tears. Its real people, its not staged!

Ok, this is getting way to long. I'm gonna head to bed comfy bed. ^^ Goodnight :)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

transfer or not?

Hey everybodyyy,

Right now, it's 1 am and yes, I should be in bed like I always say, but it wont hurt to blog a bit right? heheh... ^^ I just got off work a couple hours ago. It was pretty busy today, which amazes me because usually wednesdays are'nt busy at all. I replaced my coworker since she couldnt work. It wasnt that bad though. I dealt with really great customers. No annoying, impolite, disrespectful customers.

One of the things though that I most hate working is the fact that sometimes, some random guy would ask for my number and it's so irritating because sometimes after I recieve their bill, they would write their name and phone number in the back of the reciept. Common sense. Do you think I'll call you? I dont know. Maybe I'm just not the type that would give them a call? I'm sorry, we can be friends but not outside of the resto! This has not happened to me once, it has happened many times before. From young a guy to an old gentlemen. No kidding. I'm not making this story up, you can ask my manager! I felt so disgusted and didnt know what to do because they were asking me questions and I wouldnt know how to answer them. I guess im the type of person that is really hard to say NO. ughh, jesss, your so weakkk! Cant help itttt. Good thing I changed my number. I feel much safer now. No, dont get me wrong. I didnt give them my number, but I did experienced many prank callers and I just couldnt deal with it anymore! So that is why I changed my number. So whenever I get one of those customers that tries to "hit" on me, I would ask my coworker to take their order. I would try every possible way to stay far away from them. ^^

Ive been thinking alot lately about my education and the whole transfering University process. I do so much want to transfer out. I really cant take what the economy has done to my University alone. Budget cuts, no classes...everything has made my life miserable! I was supposed to graduate next year 2010, but guess what? I wont be able to :( I'm really sad about it, but I guess I realized, whats the rush? Its better to take your time and aim for the best grade than rushing and getting a mediocre score. I know God has a plan for me and I know by the time I graduate, He'll have something planned out perfectly for me. I'm just so sick and tired of worrying about my future. Everything that has been going on is making me go crazy! I just want to be able to relax and not have to worry about what will happen afterwards, but parents are always pushing me and pressuring me. I know it's their job, but give me a break!!? I only have one brain, one mind, and 2 hands to function! Sometimes parents just does'nt get it. Who agrees with me? hehe ^^ As much as I want to transfer out to Ohio state, or LA or wherever, I dont think right now is the best time for me to transfer out. Considering the living cost, tuition cost, personal consumption, that will cost me a whole lot. I mean, I should just be thankful and embrace the place I am in right now. I settled in this University, why not just stay here until the end? Although I want to experience the whole "independency", I dont think I can imagine living else where. I love San Francisco too much to leave this city. I talked to a friend that used to live in SF, but now resides in the Midwest. He recently transfered to OSU, and told me how empty the city was! He rather lives in SF. ya iyaa laaaah, sapa seh mao tngl di desa!? huahah. He told me he likes OSU, but prefers SF. yes yes...of cozzz. So will I be transfering or not? Ummm, maybe for now, I'll stay in SF. It's not so easy to move to a whole new state, a whole new community without knowing anyone there. I would love to visit, but to live there? I dont know how I can survive. hehe. Maybe I'll visit one of these days, tour around the campus perhaps. Do you think they have a program where they can just tour future students that is interested and may be willing to transfer? Hmm, gotta check that out :)

Olrighttty, I need to head to bed now. It's almost 2am and I need to wake up early tomorrow to go pay my court! yikees, its past the due date, and I totally forgot! I really wish I had an assistant :/ Impossible jessica impossibleeee.

goodnitee bloggers. God bless.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Just an update

Happy Monday everyone...

Today was quite a productive day, but it could have been better. I'm sitting in front of my laptop right now, trying to finish up some quizzes while blogging. I've been having a tummy ache since yesterday night. I dont know if it's food poisening or maybe I ate the wrong food today or something. It hurts so bad, it feels like someone is pinching my stomach. Is this what pregnant woman have to go through? I heard from my mother that when youre giving birth, the pain feels the same pain when you have a tummy ache but even 1o times worser. Ouch! I could sort of feel it now.

Anyway, I have a long day tomorrow. Like I said, tuesdays isnt my favorite day of the week. In fact, I hate it so much!!! But what can I do right? Face it Jessica, face with it! :)

Lately Ive been sleeping real late. When the clock strikes 2 or 3 am, I question myself what am i still doing up. hahah. ^^ Its bad to sleep late, but I dont why I keep doing it. Maybe my body is prone to sleeping late? Right now, my eyes feels so tired and feels like its forcing me to shut my eyes but I still have these quizzes to finish. :/

Yesterday was Easter, and honestly, I wish I could have spend my Easter day at my church, but since my parent's friend which is a Pastor invited us to his church, I had no choice but to go. I felt bad for not going because they are like a family friend to us. Weve known eachother for such a long time now, so we went there and supported them. Comparing their church to our church, its totally different! Our church is more modern, theirs are more traditional and did i mention most of the congregation is old people? hehe....not bad though. They were really nice people, very welcoming.

Ok guys, I'm gonna head back to my quizzes. I dont even know why I'm blogging. I have nothing else to say! Ill be back when I have better things to say. caio bellla...


Saturday, April 11, 2009

the little simple things in life

As years gone by, I see the many differences and improvements I have made in myself. I dont think anyone is perfect, in fact, no one is perfect. Everday, I learned the little simple things in life that I never knew about. I've learned to understand people more, be more patient as a person, but above all, I've learned and allowed challenges to come to me. If you dont know me, I'm just like your normal average girl, or "woman" may I say. But there are plenty of things about me that is not perfect, and I just wish so much that I can change these little things that I dont like about myself, but I realize that I am who I am, and God created me in my own way for a purpose. I'm not talking about physical appearance, but what I'm trying to say is the inner beauty, the foundation that makes you, you. I feel like there is so many little personality-type-error that I have in myself that I wish I didnt have. Can a person really control their feelings? I dont know if I can. I`m the type of person who talks right out without thinking, most of the time. Dont get me wrong, I have respect for people, but sometimes I say things that I dont mean and some people get the wrong impression. Maybe there's just some things in life that i dont understand. Sometimes I dont get myself either. I'm a very simple person, but I make my life so complicated! I analyze everything and just about anything. I dont know if thats a good or bad thing. Maybe life is a big question mark? There are no answers to everything. Sometimes I just wish I wasnt so complicated and analyze every bit of everything. I wish I was more patient...more open minded to things. Well, dont get me wrong, I am...but there some things that people see that I dont see or understand. Is this blog confusing you? I thought so. I'm confusing myself too. I guess the person that really truly knows me is God alone. Honestly, the only thing that keeps me strong is Him. Without him, I dont think I`ll be able to face the challenges everyday. With Him, I feel so safe and secure. I have faith, and I know that faith is from Him. People will always change, things will always change, but our God will always remain the same. Nite bloggers...

Thursday, April 09, 2009

late night blogging

hey everybody,

Is anyone still awake? :) I decided to blog a little before I head to bed. It's almost 12.30 pm and I should be sleeping by now, but I just cant get in a habit to sleep early! I posted a blog a couple of weeks ago that I'm trying this new thing out and that is to sleep early. Well guess what? that didnt go so well! The other advice I gave you, its going pretty well, but the whole sleeping early part, emmm....not so good. ^^

So I've decided to color my hair back to brown. I've always had brown/brunette hair, but a month ago I decided to color my hair black to see how it'll turn out and turns out that I did like it black, but I felt like it wasnt me. I'll probably color it a little bit lighter so I get that lighter shade. Right now, it's really black, but in the sun, you can see some shades of brown. I just want my brown hair back!!!! :)

I finally finished washing laundry, but havent finished folding them. Still have 2 baskets to go. One of the least favorite chores I hate doing is laundry. I just hate the waiting part. First, you gotta wait 30 minutes for it to wash, then another 1hr or so to dry....and if it doesnt dry, then you gotta wait for another hour to dry. I just hate the process of waiting! It's really time consuming I'm telling you! Only if I had maids....JK. We do have those in Jakarta though. I hate calling them maids because I do treat them just like my friends. When I went back to Jakarta 2 years ago, I bonded quite much with the maid that works in my uncles house. She is probably one of the nicest person I've ever met. When I came here to the United States at 4, my mom also hired a maid to come live with us and help us out here. She worked with us for 6-7 years. We didnt consider her as a maid. People call her a maid because in Indonesia, they are seen as "maids". But we treat them and consider them as a family friend that is willing to help us out. Sort of like a nanny. Now, she lives in LA, has her own job, has a bf, and is so AMERICANIZED! Cant believe it! I'm so amazed.

Alright, thats it for now. Gonna head to my comfy bed and get some rest. G`nite bloggers. xoxo

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

It's break time...

I`m taking a break from doing bundles of laundry and cleaning up my closet. I didnt realize that I had SO many clothes. Some are very old and I dont even use them anymore. I seperated the ones I dont use anymore and I'm going to find a place to give it away so I dont have to throw it away. Its a waste I know, but I dont use them anymore. Maybe the charity or goodwill? I dont know yet...

Overall, today was pretty productive. I had morning class, took REALLY good notes, and let me tell you that it never ever happens to me because that class is super boring and all I ever do is browse through in my iPhone. ^^ Sorenson is a horrible teacher. All he talks is about himself and the economy, and barely teaches the material. So why go? Because I'll feel guilty for not coming to class. For some reason, I always tend to have this guilty feeling if I dont attend class or if I skip class. If I do skip class, I have to keep myself busy or do something productive and keep myself occupied so I dont feel guilty for skipping class. ;) This semester I barely miss class. Why? Because the classes I'm taking rightnow requires taking notes, though I dont write notes on my mgmt class, but anyway, its hardcore classes so yes, I have to go. :(

This is something so random, I dont know if it's just me, but I hate calculators! I love the fact that it gives you the answer in a quick away and that it's convenient, but somehow me and calculators are not the best of friends. I dont know....I think it's just me. Like yesterday, I had a study group with some friends from class and I was solving some problems and it took me 3 tries to get the right answer! No, I'm not slow! I just tend to have some bad experiences with calculators! Its frustrating... I find that I'm better off without calculators and get the answers right without a calculator, believe it or not!

Ok, laundry is finished. Time to fold some clothes. Maybe I'll blog again tonight. :) Until then bloggers.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

finance class and my rambles

Today is such a gloomy day. It's strange how the weather can change so drastically!!! I was lovin` the hot weather. It feels great not wearing bundles and bundles of clothing, but I guess this week is back to the good ol` foggy San Francisco!

This morning I woke up at 10am...made some breakfast for the little one and watched some morning tv and now here I am blogging. Tuesdays are not my favorite day. In fact, its one of those days of the week where I feel so tired and devastated! I have night class from 7pm-10pm and I wouldnt mind if it was an english class or what not, but this is a Finance class, and 3 hours of finance at night is something I absolutely dont ENJOY! Speaking of finance class, my finance Professor is probably one of the worst teachers I've ever met in my campus. His one of those teachers who just reads off the powerpoint and lectures accordingly to what he has on the powerpoint. Also, I cant seem to understand what his saying. His accent is so deep and strong that I cant differentiate what word his trying to pronounce or say. No offense to him, but I just wish some teachers knew what they are talking about! I just wish there were better teachers out there I guess.

Theres still 2 1/2 months left until this semester is over, and I'm excited to get it over with! This semester isnt so bad since I'm only taking 3 classes, but these classes are pretty hard core. I do hope fall semester, I will get at least 5 classes, thats if theres space!!!

Olright guys, this is a short post. I need to get ready for my study group. Yay to education! :)

blessed day folks,

Friday, April 03, 2009

5 Type of Restaurant Customers

I've been working part time in a Japanese Restaurant for quite some time now, and every single week I work, I pay close attention to each and every customer. I came up with 5 types of customers that I have experienced and encountered. There is the the good tipper, the worse tipper, ones with no respect, the talkative ones, and the quiet ones. I find it really interesting...

1.) The Good Tipper: The good tipper is usually the customers who gives amazingly great tips despite if we gave them good or bad customer service. What I notice is that usually good tippers are the respectful ones whereas bad tippers are unrespectful. Most customers who tips over 25% are usually the ones who have a huge amount of money, or maybe they feel that we gave them an excellent customer service that we absolutely deserve that good amount of tip. Some customers just have a habit of following the "rule" and tip accordingly to the total amount they spent. Most customers though, tip according to how good or bad the customer service they get. This one, is very reasonable and a rule that I personally follow when it comes to tipping. I believe that giving a good tip all depends if I get a good customer service or not. Not all customers are people friendly though. Let's go on to the worse tippers.

2.) The Worse Tippers: Now, you can see that I titled this as the "worse" tippers, a.k.a greedy tippers, not the bad tippers. I've never really dealt with bad tippers, but I've dealt and encountered many times with worse tippers. They probably mean the same thing to most of you, but worse tippers in my eyes are the ones who first, don't tip accordingly to the percentage, and second, though we gave them a superb customer service, they still manage to give us "worse" tips. It's so simple! If you can't or are not able to give a good tip, then you probably shouldn't be eating out! I notice that most Chinese people are the ones who gives horrible tips. Mostly, OLD chinese people. Dont get offended now. I'm part Chinese, and its not like I've experienced this the first time, but many many times, I've seen old Chinese people giving horrible tips. It's really rude! I work in a restaurant part time, and I absolutely believe that we, the waitress/hostess are the ones who makes the customers dining experience worth coming. We are the ones who set the mood and that great sense of ambiance that allows them to keep coming back. But above all , we are the ones who makes sure that we give the best customer service to each and every customer who walks in the restaurant. Now hear me on this, not all waitresses/hostesses feels this sense of need when it comes to customer service. Some simply work by the hour and only for the money. I personally though, believe that giving a great customer service is truly and highly important because when I walk in a restaurant, I myself would want to recieve an excellent customer service. So my point is, some customers just doesn't understand how hard we work to give them a goood customer service, and yet, they give us bullcrap. Yes, I've experienced those customers many many times, and I dislike them with a passion! Some customers just doesn't have any manner or sympathy. Some are just plain rude and selfish.

3.) Unrespectful Ones: This type of customers are the ones who I absolutely can not stand! I can say that majority of customers who has no respect are the ones who are worse tippers, but I notice that not all unrespectful customers are worse tippers. Unrespectful customers are those who walks in the restaurant, and as we greet, they frown, and some just can't give us a smile. Unrespectful customers are also those who constantly bugs the hostess when is their time to sit, and keeps asking 3-5 minutes. I really can't take these customers. Does it hurt to wait? If you don't want to wait for the respected time given to you, then you might as well leave! Instead of begging and asking every 3-5 minutes, you should wait patiently like the other 20+ people who are waiting. They're not complaining, so should u! Complaining doesn't get you to sit anytime soon, so please have some manners! Another type of unrespectful customer are the ones who barge in the restaurant and sits themselves down without greeting, smiling, or waiting for their seats. These particular type of customer is probably by far the ones that I truly hate! What are you? The Queen of England?

4.) Talkative Ones: The talkative type of customers are the ones who constantly talk non-stop before they eat, in the middle of their meal, and after they finish their meal FOR HOURS. One of the most annoying things about talkative customers is that even though their food is sitting right in front of their eyes, they keep on talking without touching a speck of their food. The restaurant that I work in is quite small, on weekends especially, is the busiest days of the week. When we get one of these annoying talkative customers on the weekend, it pisses the heck out of me! Do they not see the line? Goodness, dig in your food already! Talk while you eat! Can you not multitask? These talkative types of customers I realize is usually a party of either two or three people. Sometimes, I would see a couple who has not seen each other for a long time and starts to cuddle and make out throughout the dinner! There are kids you know! Plus, if you want to smooch and makeout, please do it on your own timing. It sure is very disturbing to see couples all over eachother in a restaurant environment.

5.) Ones with No Mouth: "Is everything ok?", the customer: *nods*. "Can I get you anything else?", the customer: *shakes head*. Hellloooo? ARE YOU ABLE TO SPEAK? These customers are the ones who does not like to be disturbed when eating. I've experienced a lot of these customers every week. It's a good thing, but on the other hand it gets pretty annoying. The good thing is that they leave once they finish eating. The bad thing is I cant differentiate a "yes" nod, and "no" nod. It seems as if they can't and are not able to speak english! Everyone in this Planet Earth knows how to say YES or NO, correct? I wonder if it's so hard to just reply a simple word. Some customers just doesn't like to be bothered and questioned when eating. Or maybe they're too concentrated on their food? I dont know. They frustrate me.

Which type of customer are you? ;)